Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I'm Back!!!

I'M SORRY!!! I'm so sorry for the lack of posts! I know, it's been awhile... but I have a (kind of) good excuse. Umm... I blame it on homework. And the rest of school work. And... well... you know. HOWEVER, school ends (for me) on Friday!!! GAHHH!!! I am so excited!!! I officially have three days left of school and they are all short days! I am super psyched for the summer, and all my fun activities that I have planned, including (drum roll please): Youth Conference, Girls Camp, my ACT test :/, my BIRTHDAY, and a family reunion on both my mom and dads side. As I mentioned before, my birthday is coming up... that is, my sixteenth birthday... which means that I will be officially dateable exactly two months from Friday!!! Oh gosh, I am so excited! I will try and keep you posted over the summer... wish me luck on the last bit of school!